Saturday, January 16, 2010

"NO" Is not a bad word! Our Founders used it frequently!

I'd like to point out to those who think that being the "Party of 'No'" is a bad thing, the following:

Let’s take a look at the concept of a party of “No” in American historical context, shall we?

The Bill of Rights to the Constitution of the United States of America:

1st Amendment: “Congress shall make no law…”
2nd Amendment: “…the right of the People… shall not be infringed.”
3rd Amendment: “No soldier shall…”
4th Amendment: “…shall not be violated and no warrants…”
5th Amendment: “No person shall…”
7th Amendment: “…and no fact tried…”
8th Amendment: “…shall not be required…”
9th Amendment: “… shall not be construed…”
10th Amendment: “…powers not delegated…”

American government was DESIGNED to be a government of “No.” That’s why it’s called a “limited government,” of "enumerated powers," of which 'healthcare' is NOT one.

Dems want an unlimited government, but let’s not pretend that wanting America to be a government of “Yes” is either a good idea or a historically accurate representation of the country in which we live.

Viva la Brown!