Saturday, July 25, 2009

I Am The Party of No!

Why We Revolt

I am the Party of No!

No to hypocrites what-so-ever!

No to partisan bickering!

No to dishonest debate!

No to transfer of my wealth to others!

No to imposing taxes on our children's children!

No to politicians whose pockets are lined with special interests!

No to Cap and Trade!

No to electing legislator's who cannot be bothered to read the laws they impose on others!

No to politician's who do NOT put America first!

No to imposing laws on American's that do not apply to themselves!

No to blaming all things bad on America!

No to un-ending deficits!

No to taxes that do not have an immediate, visible and positive impact to my life!

No to imposing social agenda's of any kind on others!

I say Yes!

Yes to honest and thoughtful debate of issues!

Yes to putting America first!

Yes to comprehensive legislative reform of failed Government programs!

Yes to health care reform that repairs only those things that are broken!

Yes to Tort Reform!

Yes to using the power of the Federal Government to negotiate bulk discounts for medicare drugs!

Yes to repealing misguided legislation that hurts this country, like the ARRA!

Yes to voting out all incumbent's and starting over!

Yes to comprehensive regulatory Financial reform that works!

Yes to contacting your member of Congress to let them know how you feel, if you feel strongly about the way our country is headed! Do it now, before we cannot turn back!

Special thanks to Conservative Girl who posted contact information related to contacts in Congress! Link to her blog here:

1 comment:

  1. Yes this list will be helpful for all kinds of issues.
    Thanks for the re-post.
